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Training courses 2020: ELIXIR Train the Trainer



The ELIXIR Training Platform, in collaboration with ELIXIR-IT, is pleased to announce a Train the Trainer (TtT) event online.

Important dates

Course date: 01-04 December, 2020, 14:00 - 17:30 CET


We will accept a maximum of 20 participants. Priority will be given to candidates from ELIXIR-IT institutes (see below) and ELIXIR nodes. Notifications of acceptance will be sent shortly after the application, which will remain open until we reach 20 participants.

Application form - Registration


There is no course attendance fee.


Loredana Le Pera (ELIXIR-IT Deputy Training Coordinator, IBIOM/IBPM-CNR, IT)
Jessica Lindvall (ELIXIR-SE Training Coordinator, NBIS, SE)
Patricia Palagi (ELIXIR-CH Training Coordinator, SIB, CH)
Allegra Via (ELIXIR-IT Training Coordinator, IBPM-CNR, IT)




For all kinds of queries, please contact us at

Description - Course materials

The course is made up of four sessions, covering:

  • Learning principles and how they apply to training and teaching
  • Lesson, course, and materials design
  • Teaching techniques that can be used to enhance learner engagement and participation
  • Assessment and feedback in training and teaching

Target Audience

Whoever is interested in becoming a teacher or a better one. If you have questions like the following ones, this course may be very helpful to you.

  • How learning works?
  • How can I use learning principles and theories to improve my teaching?
  • How can I make my teaching more engaging and effective?
  • How should I adjust my teaching to different types of learners?
  • How can I help slow learners?
  • How can I assess whether my students are actually understanding my lessons? Are they actually learning?
  • What is the best balance between theory and practice?
  • How can I best assess whether learning is occurring and/or has occurred?
  • What works in a classroom and what doesn’t?
  • How can I become a better teacher?
  • Etc.

Learning Objectives

  • To get acquainted with Learning principles and how they apply to training
  • To be able to select and utilise training techniques that can be used to enhance learner engagement and participation
  • To learn how to use assessment and feedback in training
  • To learn about session, course, and materials design

Learning Outcomes

  • Learners can name learning principles that a good teacher/instructor should have in mind
  • Learners can describe at least three training techniques, drawing on learning principles
  • Learners can design a training session and a course
  • Learners can develop assessment questionnaires
  • Learners can enumerate types of materials needed for each part of a training session or course

General programme

Day 1

14:00 - 14:30 Introductions, who is who and what we need to achieve
14:30 - 17:30 [Session 1]: Review of learning principles and how they apply to training and teaching

Day 2

14:00 - 17:30 [Session 2]: Session, course, and material design

Day 3

14:00 - 17:30 [Session 3]: Training techniques that can be used to enhance learner engagement and participation

Day 4

14:00 - 17:00 [Session 4]: Assessment and feedback in training
17:00 - 17:30 Wrap-up and feedback

ELIXIR-IT member institutes

  1. CNR, National Research Council (Lead Institute)
  2. CRS4
  4. Edmund Mach Foundation, Trento
  5. ENEA
  6. Fondazione Telethon
  7. INFN
  8. Istituto Superiore di SanitĂ  (ISS)
  9. GARR
  10. Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Napoli
  11. University of Roma "Sapienza"
  12. University of Bari
  13. University of Bologna
  14. University of Firenze
  15. University of Milano
  16. University of Milano Bicocca
  17. University of Napoli
  18. University of Padova
  19. University of Parma
  20. University of Roma "Tor Vergata"
  21. University of Salerno
  22. University of Torino
  23. University of Tuscia