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Meetings workshops 2023: Tavola rotonda: L’insegnamento della Bioinformatica nelle università italiane



University “Parthenope”, Naples
Department of Science and Technology (DiST) google maps link
Centro Direzionale, Isola C4
80143 Naples, Italy


  • Angelo Facchiano - CNR-ISA, ELIXIR-IT
  • Anna Marabotti - University of Salerno, Member of the ELIXIR-IT Training Platform
  • Mario Cannataro - University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro, Responsible of the BITS Training&Teaching Group

  • Angelo Ciaramella - University “Parthenope”, Naples
  • Romina Oliva - University “Parthenope”, Naples
  • Antonino Staiano - University “Parthenope”, Naples
  • Bruno Hay Mele - University “Federico II”, Naples


For all kinds of queries, please contact the organiser Angelo Facchiano at:

Target audience

The panel discussion is especially intended for undergraduate students interested in pursuing studies in bioinformatics and computational biology