Loredana Le Pera |
Loredana Le Pera is a bioinformatician and research fellow at the National Research Council (IBIOM-CNR, IT). She turned to bioinformatics soon after her graduation in Physics at Sapienza University of Rome and obtained a II level post-graduate master in Bioinformatics and a PhD in Computational Biologist under the supervision of prof. A.Tramontano. From 2012 to 2017, she worked at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), in the Center for Nano and Life Science, in Rome. She was the head of the Bioinformatics Facility, a research, support and service core to assist IIT researchers and external investigators, providing the most used NGS data analysis software, designing specific pipelines for diverse genomics data types and also developing customized bioinformatics tools. Her main research interests cover different aspects of bioinformatics and computational biology, mainly applied to genome-wide data: functional genomics, analysis of protein function modulation by alternative splicing, gene expression data, effects of genomic variations on protein sequence, structure and function and their implication in diseases. |