Abstract submission for oral and poster presentation at the workshop:
Submissions are welcome for oral and poster presentations.
Abstracts must be submitted by e-mail to elixir.ita.training@gmail.com with subject "Computational Metagenomics Workshop".
Abstracts will be included in the book of abstracts of the event that will be made available to participants only: it won’t be published in the web site. No Copyright form or permission is required for abstracts, since the book of abstracts won’t be an official publication.
Submission deadline for oral presentation is May the 31st.
A notification of acceptance for oral presentation will be sent to authors on June 5th.
Submission deadline for poster presentation is June the 9th.
Instruction for abstract preparation:
Abstracts must be submitted as PDF. Please, use the following page style:
page size: A4; all margins: 2cm; paragraphs justified; single line spacing
font: Arial (or Helvetica); sizes: title 14pts; authors' names 11pts; affiliations 10pts; section headings 12pts; body text 11pts; bibliography 10pts
length: max 2 pages for oral communications and 1 page for posters
Instructions for poster preparation and presentation:
The maximum poster size is 90 cm (height) x 70 cm (width), portrait format.
Note that posters will be displayed on a limited number of panels: it is essential that all posters are printed in the appropriate format.
All posters will be on display at the same time, for the whole duration of the workshop. Presenters are invited to attend their poster when possible and to leave their contact information near to the poster.
Posters can be hang-up on Monday 19 June, starting from 13.00. They should in any case be in place before the begin of the poster session at 18.00. If possible, posters should stay in place until the end of the workshop.